If you were wondering where I've been since I haven't been posting hot deals we went to 4 state parks in about a day and a half. I guess 2 weren't really parks as much as historical points of interest. We have been all over southern Missouri this weekend.
We started at The Trail of Tears State Park.
We have some Cherokee blood in the family so it's part of our history. The kid just did a report on the Trail of Tears. We tied in his knowledge to part of the actual trail.
Then today we visited Elephant Rocks State Park. Erosion has removed loose earth to expose these giant boulders known as elephants. Dumbo is the largest one. The kid had a little too much fun climbing these boulders. Scared the heck out of me.
We ended our 2 day journey with a visit to Fort Davidson State Historic Site. The kid said he wanted to see a fort. He was somewhat disappointed that there wasn't a fort in the sense that he was thinking. The Union held this fort throughout the war when they evacuated the fort they blew it up so that they could deny the Confederates any spoils.
It was a long but satisfying time. Fun mixed with history.
I am going to sleep well tonight.
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