Thursday, February 9, 2012
Homemade Household Cleaner. This stuff is amazing!
Today I just have to share my all time favorite household cleaner. I first learned of this from my friend Brittany's site
To make your own household cleaner you need 3 things.
washing soda (found in the laundry detergent aisle),
and Dr Bronner's Castille soap.
I found the castille soap on Amazon and at Vitacost. Found HERE on Amazon. You can use any scent you like but make sure you get liquid castille soap.
I bought new spray bottles at Sam's for a dollar a piece.
Take all ingredients and mix in your spray bottle:
1 tsp washing soda
1 tsp Dr Bronners liquid castille soap
3 Tablespoons vinegar
2 cups hot water
Your mixture will foam up a bit at first. shake well.
I made this the first time thinking how can this possibly work?! I mean, come on, there is basically no cleaner in there at all. Boy was I surprised when it worked better than the expensive cleaners.
To put it to the ultimate test, I took it to work. I sprayed the hood and literally wiped it off with a towel. Normally, I would have to scrub it with harsh de greaser.
I was amazed. It costs me pennies to make after your initial investment. The Bronners soap goes a long way when you consider that you are using only a teaspoon per bottle.
I love it because it is cheap and works so much better than other cleaners. I bought some tea tree oil to add to it because it is a natural disinfectant.
I've read not to use it on windows because it streaks but I have used it on almost everything else with great results. Bathrooms, kitchen, floors.
I'm in love!!
btw... these cleaners can be used in a variety of other homemade cleaners. More on that to follow..
You can also find the Castille soap at many Walgreen's locations... I just googled it!!! I am so going to try this, I am a busy mom of four and would love nothing more than to discover cheaper ways to clean! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThat is great! I've never seen it at Walgeens but I've never looked. Thanks. I hope you like it as much as I do. My favorite scent has to be peppermint.
DeleteI found peppermint castile liquid soap today at Trader Joe's. It was $9.99 for 32 oz. Good deal.
DeleteKaren - I was inspired to try this when I found Dr. Bronner's on sale at Target last week. ($14.44 for 32 oz - not nearly as good as your sales, but it is normally $19.96 here)
ReplyDeleteI have to say - this cleaner ROCKS! I kicked it up with a couple drops of tea tree oil for more antibacterial fighting capability (because we've been sick in the house)and it performed beautifully!
I'm going to link to this on my site and crow about it a bit - people need to be using this! This is awesome!
--- Tricia AKA The Money Badger
That is a pretty good price Trish no matter where you live. Something to maybe do next time you need it is Vitacost. They will usually give you a $10 credit with your first order. A 32oz after discount and shipping comes out to about $10. They last forever though so you should be good for a while.
DeleteI know it ROCKS!!! I was so amazed! I used a deck brush and this on my kitchen floor and I didn't know if I should be amazed or disgusted! This stuff dissolved all the leftover quick wax and such. Not to mention the greasy yellow film on my white toaster. I have scrubbed and scrubbed and nothing worked except this! It pulled it right off.
The best thing is it works amazing and is SOO cheap to make!
Scrub on Money Badger!!